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Robert Rosenthal is a practicing Emergency Medicine doctor in Baltimore.

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Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal is the world-renowned psychiatrist and author whose research in describing seasonal affective disorder (SAD) has helped.

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WebMD chooses the 10 best diets for high cholesterol.

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Sep 22, 2007 · Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome is a rare neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, long lasting swelling of the face, particularly one or both lips (granulomatous cheilitis), facial muscle weakness (palsy) and a fissured tongue. Some affected individuals may have all three of these features.Through his program, Dr. Rosedale aims to improve that communication; to recruit 20 trillion separate cells and bring them together to function as a whole.
View Healthgrades for reviews, insurance, experience and booking information. Call for an appointment today.
Donnelly JP, Rosenthal A, Castle VP, Holmes RD. Protein-losing gastroenteropathy can be caused by a diverse group of disorders.All about original Mediterranean Diet and its benefits for health. Dietary patterns and habits of life of Mediterranean countries.

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By now, you have seen more than you can swallow on diet and nutrition products, promoted through slick, seductive merchandising. Dr. Rosenthal.

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